Project information

Making Energy Efficiency a Priority at DOE’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, located in Richland Washington, is one of the US Department of Energy’s national laboratories. Employing more than 4,300 people in 35 buildings, PNNL scientists perform various research activities. Their critical efforts include finding ways to increase US energy capacity, reducing the effects of human activity on the environment as well as preventing acts of terrorism through applied research in information analysis.

The Sustainability Team at PNNL is walking the talk when it comes to reducing energy consumption. In early 2015, PNNL contracted Magnum  to provide a wireless, self-powered energy management solution. PNNL began by retrofitting the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory to include occupancy sensors, temperature sensors to measure duct discharge and room temperatures as well as water tank temperatures for research purposes.

All data points collected from the sensors deployed are wirelessly transferred over RF to gateways strategically located in the facility. These gateways translate the incoming wireless transmissions into BACnet objects, allowing the existing Johnson Controls’ Metasys building automation system to leverage this valuable information. Space conditioning as well as lighting can be more accurately and efficiently controlled through space averaging, occupancy control, and automatic diagnostics.

“We are pleased to be helping support the DOE’s goal of reducing energy consumption by deploying next generation building technologies,” states Mike Giorgi, CEO of Magnum Innovations. Magnum is a leading manufacturer of innovative, self powered wireless technologies and supports efforts in the commercial and public sector.